7/27/94 "Unable to Locate DECtalk Express" If you do not hear the startup message "DECtalk Express is connected to COM port x." (where "x" is the number of the COM port) and the message "Unable to locate DECtalk Express on COM Ports 1 through 4" is displayed on the monitor screen, please use the following alternate install procedure. 1. Insert the Install diskette into the diskette drive. 2. At the diskette prompt, type INSTALL and press the Enter key 3. At the rising tone the prompt "Would you like to ..." is displayed on the screen. Select the second option "Be prompted for installation variables?" (down arrow and press the Enter key). 4. The next screen explains the variable installation. Press the Enter key. 5. The next screen prompts for the disk drive to install DECtalk Express to. Press the Enter key for Drive C. 6. The next screen prompts for the subdirectory name on the hard disk. Press the Enter key for the default DTEXP. 7. The next screen displays the prompt, "Would you like to use standard comm settings?". Press the Enter key for the default "Yes". 8. The next screen will display the prompt "Which comm port?". The default is COM1. Press the Enter key to select comm port 1 (COM1). If you want to select another comm port, use the down arrow key once for COM2, twice for COM3 and three times for COM4. Press the Enter key after you have selected the comm port the DECtalk Express is connected to. 9. The next screen will display the prompt "Would you like ...?" and provides the option to have the install program update your AUTOEXEC.BAT program with the DECtalk Express startup commands. Press the Enter key to have the AUTOEXEC.BAT file updated. Press the down arrow key once and the Enter key to NOT change the file. 10. The installation will continue from this point until you hear rising tones again from the PC speaker. Press the Enter key. 11. The Install program will now attempt to connect to the DECtalk Express at the designated comm port. When this is completed the message "DECtalk Express is connected to comm port x", (where "x" is the comm port number). Installation complete. To run a demonstration, type DTDEMO."