DECtalk Express and PC Card (PCMCIA) conflicts. DECtalk Express will not work in notebook PCs that use certain PC Card (PCMCIA cards) options. The problems reported have been with PC Card SCSI adapters like the Adaptec Slim SCSI II. Apparently some of the Card and Socket Services drivers for the PC Card controller chip that have shipped with notebook PCs cause the system to control too many resources like COM ports. What that means is that DECtalk Express will not work. The solution has been to replace the original Card and Socket Services drivers with those that are available with a software package called Card Wizard Pro from System Soft. When Card Wizard Pro is installed it "REMs" out the existing drivers and, based on what it finds in the system, installs new ones. The software claims it "solves PC Card problems automatically" and is "compatible with all major computer notebooks and over 400 PC Cards". We have had a four-for-four success rate so far in resolving DECtalk Express conflicts. The software is available from most computer retailers and catalog sales. We bought ours from PCs Compleat, 800-642-4532, for about $65. End of file.