DECtalk In-Line Text Command Reference. NOTE: CAPS indicate the SHORTest legal subset. A (1) after a command indicates it is only applicable to the DECtalk PC. A (2) after a command indicates that it is only applicable to the DECtalk Express. The DECtalk in-line text commands are listed by: Function, the command and some brief notes. COMMA PAUSE: [:COMMa DDD] Default is 95ms.DDD is delta +/- from 95. DEFINE VOICE: [:DEFIne XX DD (SAVE)] XX is vocal param. SAVE => voice VAL (Alternate): [:DV XX DD (SAVE)] DD is decimal value. DIAL TONE: [:DIAL "D,ddd-ddd-dddd"] Comma causes pause in dial sequence.. ENABLE: [:ENABle] After flush cmd or after FLUSH_SPEECH. ERROR: [:ERROr Ignore] Ignores all errors. [:ERROr Text] Error as text string. [:ERROr Escape] Returns esc seq. [:ERROr Speak] Speaks error msg. (default). [:ERROr TOne] Tone on cmd error. FLUSH: [:FLUSh All] (OBSOLETE) No longer available. [:FLUSh Until DD] Until Index DD. [:FLUSh Mask DD] Mask & Index Match. [:FLUSh Mask After DD] After Index DD. [:FLUSh Mask Speech] Cmds still executed. CTRL-C (2) Stop/flush. Returns CTRL-A. INDEX: [:INDEx Mark DD] Insert Index Mark. (DD is index value). [:INDEx Reply DD] Insert Index & Reply when spoken. [:INDEx Reply Query] Respond with last index seen. LANGUAGE: [:LANG ENGlish] Speak English (default). [:LANG SPANish] Speak Spanish. LOAD VARIABLES: [:LOADv XX YY] XX, decimal val 0-9, YY is cmd variable. Used with Set Var. LOG: [:LOG TExt ON/OFf] Log all text. Default is off. [:LOG Phonemes ON/OFF] Log phonemes. MODES: [:MODE Math ON/OFf] Math symbols spoken. Default Off (except Citation). [:MODE Europe ON/OFf] European monetary pronunciation. [:MODE SPell ON/OFf] Spell all words. [:MODE Name ON/OFf] Say proper names. (Optional feature). [:MODE Citation ON/OFf] Some words spoken differently when spoken alone. [:MODE Latin ON/OFf] American/Castilian Spanish switch. PAUSE: [:PAUSe DDD] DDD in 1/100 of sec. (Asynch command). Ctrl-N (2) PERIOD PAUSE: [:PERIod DDD] Default = 470ms, DDD is delta from 470. PHONEME INTERPRETATION: [:PHoneme ARpabet (SPeak/ ON/OFf] Speak text within square brackets as Arpabet phonemes. Default is OFF. PITCH CHANGE: [:PITCh DD] Default = 35Hz. DD is delta from 35. POWER STATUS (2): [:POWEr Sleep DD] Low power mode after DD sec. [:POWEr Interval DD] Low power beep DD sec. [:POWEr Speak] Speak battery status. [:POWEr STatus] Receive from Express power/battery status. PRONOUNCE NAME: [:PRON Name]Name Speak proper name (Option). PUNCTUATION: [:PUNCt None] No punctuation spoken. [:PUNCt Some] Some punctuation spoken (default). [:PUNCt All] All punctuation spoken. [:PUNct Pass] Bypass some text preprocssing. RATE SELECTION: [:RATE DDD] Default = 180wpm. Range 75-650. RESUME: [:RESUme] Resume speech. Ctrl-O (2) SAY MODE: [:SAY Clause] Speak at clause end. [:SAY Word] Speak at word end. [:SAY Letter] Speak at letter end. SET VARIABLES: [:SETV DD] DD is 0-9. Set vars previously loaded. Used with "Load Vars". SYNCHRONIZATION: [:SYNC] Act as clause end. Synchs async commands like [:pause xx]. CTRL K (obsolete) TIMEOUT: [:TIMEout D] Force speech after D seconds. Default is NONE. TONE: [:TONE DD,dd] DD is Freq in Hz. dd is Duration in ms. TSR (2): [:TSR ON/OFF ] Sends private character sequences to the TSR. Off disables the transmission. Default is ON. Turned OFF when communicating directly to the COM port. TYPING TABLE: [:TYPE DD (:) PHONE] DD is Keyboard code, : = use pitch shift, PHONE is a phoneme. VERSION (2): [:VERSion SPeak] Speaks firmware version. [:VERsion STatus] Receive firmware version from Express. VOICE SELECTION: [:NAme X] X=P,H,F,D,B,R,U,W,K,V. (Alternate): [:NX] No space between N and X. VOLUME (1): [:VOLUme Set DD] 0-99, Default = 5. [:VOLUme Up DD] Increases volume by DD. [:VOLUme Down DD] Decreases volume by DD. (Alternate): [:VS DD] Set volume to DD. XON/XOFF Ctrl-Q/Ctrl-S Serial line handshaking NOTES: (1) DECtlak PC. (2) DECtalk Express.