DECtalk Express V4.2CD Upgrade. 11/55/96 The DECtalk Express can be upgraded in a two step process. The first step is to install the latest software into the DECtalk Express directory on the system disk. The second step then loads the new firmware into the unit's FLASH ROM. Installing the Updated Software Do the following before starting the update installation: 1. Ensure that the DECtalk Express is connected to its external power supply and to a comm port on the PC. 2. Turn the unit ON and after about 15 seconds it should speak it's self-test startup message, "DECtalk Express is running. External Power On." 3. Save the file DTEXP.BAT in the DECtalk Express directory to a file named DTEXP.BAK. NOTE: If you have downloaded the DECtalk Express INSTALL/UPGRADE as a ZIP file or as a self-extracting zip file, you will need to first extract the files to a blank diskette. For example if you have downloaded DTXV42CD.ZIP, to create a DECtalk Express V4.2CD Installation diskette type PKUNZIP DTXV42CD A:\. Or if you have downloaded the file DTXV42CD.EXE, type DTXV42CD A:\. These steps will create the Installation diskette referred to in Step 4. 4. Insert the Installation diskette into the diskette drive and at the drive screen prompt type Install and press the Enter key. You should now follow the instructions for Installation as described in the User Guide, the file UGUIDE.TXT or on the User Guide audio tape. 5. After the installation is complete, change to the DECtalk Express directory (default is DTEXP). Type LOAD #, where "#" is the number of the com port the DECTalk Express is connected to, and press the Enter key. The LOAD program will upload the firmware of the DECtalk Express with the V4.2CD update. The load will take from 5 to 15 minutes depending on the type of COM chip used in the PC. Four beeps or one long beep from the PC speaker will indicate when the update is complete. A message will also be displayed on the PC monitor. 6. Turn the DECtalk Express OFF and then ON again for the updated firmware to take effect. 7. Run the DECtalk Express file DTEXP.BAT to load the updated driver into the PC memory. The update is now complete. Please read the file README.TXT for important information regarding this release. End of file.