DECtalk Tips, Tricks and Updates


- Software and firmware updates for DECtalk hardware products.

Troubleshooting Guide

- A guide to resolving problems encountered when installing or using DECtalk hardware products.

Tips and Tricks

- Tips and tricks for using DECtalk hardware products.

Subject Description File/Page
Battery Care Caring for rechargeable NICAD batteries. Battery Care
DECtalk (All) EIDE CD ROM driver conflict resolution (self-extracting). hold2f.exe (16KB)
Dectalk Command Reference Handy reference for DECtalk's in-line text commands In-line text commands
DECtalk Express S/W volume control Adjusting the volume on the DECtalk Express using square bracket commands. Dectalk Express volume
DECtalk Express/PC Card PC Card (PCMCIA) conflict note. PC Card Conflict
DECtalk Express and Win V3.x Comm port exclude for Windows V3.x Win_COMM.EXE (17KB)
DECtalk Express and Win 95 Comm port "delete" for Windows 95 DECtalk Express and Win 95
DECtalk PC and Win 95 Win 95 Resource Registration (self-extracting). Win_95.exe (17KB)
DECtalk PC Multi-board Configuring for multiple DECtalk PCs in a system. (24KB)
DECtalk PC and SCSI/CD ROM Your system and/or CD-ROM don't work after installing a DECtalk PC. SCSI/CD-ROM Conflicts
Personal Dictionary Create and load your own dictionary of words, abbreviations and acronyms. User Dictionary
Programming tips Programming guidelines for the DECtalk driver. Programming DECtalk
Singing Making DECtalk sing. (21KB)
States abbreviations Dictionary list file of States abbreviations
Technical Reference manual Dectalk Technical Reference Manual in files by chapter. (86KB)

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DECtalk Updates

This section contains the latest DECtalk products software updates for downloading. The section also contains software provided by application vendors. Files indicated as "self-extracting" are compressed files with an .EXE extension which will decompress automatically into the directory they are located in when run under DOS or Windows. Files are described as "Install" or "Updates". An "Install" is a full installation image. The decompressed files must be copied to a formatted, blank, 1.4MB diskette and the Install program must be run from the diskette. Files described as "Updates" are updates to existing installations. The decompressed files can be copied into the existing applicable DECtalk files directory on the system disk. In the case of the DECtalk Express, the firmware update program LOAD.BAT must then be run from the applicble DECtalk files directory whether its an "Install" or an "Update". Files with a "zip" extension are also compressed files and will require PKUNZIP V2.04 or a compatible program to decompress them. IN all cases after decompressing the files, please read the README.TXT file for further specifics.

Product Description File
DECtalk Express V4.2CD Install and firmware upgrade (self-extracting). dtxv42cd.exe (790KB 11/25/96)
DECtalk Express V4.2A+ Update and firmware upgrade (self-extracting). dtx42ap.exe (479KB 7/29/96)
DECtalk Express IBM Screen Reader/DOS file update (self-extracting). dedos.exe (20KB)
DECtalk Express IBM Screen Reader/OS2 file update (self-extracting). deos2.exe (16KB)
DECtalk PC DECtalk PC1 V4.2B Install (self-extracting). pc1v42b.exe (618KB 1/13/97)
DECtalk PC2 DECtalk PC2 V.2CC Install (self-extracting) pc2v42cc.exe (584KB 1/13/97)
DECtalk PC IBM Screen Reader/DOS driver update (self-extracting) decibm.exe (27KB)
DECtalk PC (not DECtalk PC2) IBM Screen Reader/OS2 driver update. (388KB)

DECtalk Beta

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DECtalk Beta

This section contains beta (not released) versions of the DECtalk products software updates provided by Digital for testing purposes only. This software is NOT intended for general use. It may cause problems with existing applications. Its sole purpose is to provide for testing fixes of reported bugs and to get feedback. No support is available for Beta software.

Files indicated as "self-extracting" are compressed files with an .EXE extension which will decompress automatically into the directory they are located in when run under DOS or Windows. Files with a "zip" extension are also compressed files and will require PKUNZIP V2.04 or a compatible program to decompress them. Please see the note under Updates for more details.

Beta Downloads

DECtalk PC V4.2CC Beta Install- pc1v42cc.exe (580KB 10/10/96)

DECtalk PC V4.2CD Beta Update - pc1v42cd.exe (387KB 1/13/97)

DECtalk PC2 V4.2CD Beta Install - pc2v42cd.exe (590KB 1/13/97)

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This page last updated on 9/3/97.