# | README file for ELSA GLADIAC MX | | graphics driver disk for Windows NT 4.0 build 1381. | | Version: | | Copyright (c) 2000 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany) | | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de | Sonnenweg 11 | 52070 Aachen | Germany | | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 1630 Zanker Road | San Jose, CA 95112 | USA | | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5 | Nanking East Road | Taipei 105 | Taiwan, R. O. C. | | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | Mita Suzuki Building 3F | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku | Tokyo 108-0014 | Japan | | 06/16/2000, KLux | Table of Contents: 1 Introduction 2 List of Installation Files 3 Installation 4 Known Problems ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction This file explains how to setup and to configure the ELSA Windows NT driver software for your graphics board. 1.2 Further Information For more information on configuring installed ELSA graphics drivers, refer to the Windows Help or to the help files to ELSA Utilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 List of Installation Files The directory with the ELSA graphics driver for Windows NT contains the following files: ELSAGMX.inf script file for the installation DISK1 source disk identifier LIESMICH.TXT German version of the file README.TXT README.TXT the file you are currently reading i386\egmxm.sy_ miniport driver (compressed) i386\egmxd.dl_ display driver (compressed) i386\eoglgmx.dl_ OpenGL ICD driver (compressed) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Installation NOTE: This driver was designed for full functionality under Windows NT 4.0 only! 3.1 Installation of the ELSA graphics driver NOTE: First install the Standard-VGA driver, then shut down your computer and exchange the graphics board with the ELSA GLADIAC MX. In the Taskbar/Start/Settings, click on "Control Panel" and then select "Display Properties". Alternatively, you can right-click the desktop and in the appearing popup menu, select "Properties". Select "Settings" and then "Display Type". In the upcoming window you can use the "Change" button to select your ELSA graphics board. You will get the "Change Display" dialog box with a variety of available drivers. On the lower right-hand of the dialog box select the button "Other...". The dialog "Install from disk" appears with an indication of path or floppy drive ("A:\"). Change the entry to the path where the driver files for your board are located (e.g."\ELSA\WINNT40") and confirm with "Continue". Now a list of ELSA graphics drivers is displayed. Select the driver for your board. Confirm the dialog. The driver is installed after confirming the warning that a third-party driver will be installed. NOTE: Under Windows NT 4.0, graphics drivers cannot be loaded dynamically. This is a limitation of the operating system. To activate the ELSA driver the computer has to be restarted. Please press "Yes" in the relevant dialog. The system will reboot and the initial installation is finished. The initial installation of ELSA drivers for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 installs the driver in a resolution of 640*480 pixel at 60Hz refresh. NOTE: With the installation of the Windows NT 4.0 driver, the ELSA OpenGL driver is automatically installed. 3.2 Making Installation Disks To create installation disks for the ELSA graphics driver you will need an empty floppy disk labeled "ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISK 1". Copy the files from the according graphics board directory on the driver CD-ROM to the prepared disk. 3.3 Testing the Installation and Determining the Driver Version Number 3.3.1 Testing the Installation From the Start menu, select "Settings" and in the Control Panel launch "Display". Select the tab "Settings" and then the button "Change configuration...". The following dialog gives information about the manufacturer, the version number and the current driver files. NOTE: If you see "Version Information missing ", you did not set US English as the system language. This problem will appear in all non-American NT installations. This is a limitation of the operating system. 3.3.2 Determining the Version Number of the Driver via the Driver Files Use the Explorer to inspect the file properties for one of the files egmxm.sys or egmxd.dll. The file egmxm.sys can be found in the directory System32\Drivers, the egmxe.dll file in the System32 directory of your Windows NT installation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Known Problems - If you do not have installed the Service Pack 3 (or higher) for NT4, AGP display cards only run in standard VGA mode. Please install a service pack 3 or higher to fix this problem! - If you own a multi processor board with BX- or GX- chipset you have to install the Service Pack 4. Otherwise the system will not work correctly. - The display driver is installed successfully, but after rebooting the system the driver is not activated. Your graphics board requires an IRQ. Please assign a unique IRQ to the slot which is related to your graphics board. - Video playback may result in pixel errors. Please install the Intel Indeo 5 video codec. - On some old Pentium Pro (TM) boards the system hangs if you write something to floppy disk or if you play sound files. This bug should be fixed by the manufacturer of this board! You can temporary fix it in registry (but slowing down the graphic): - start the registry editor regedt32.exe - open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\egmxm\Device0\ - add the value "EnableWriteCombining: REG_DWORD: 0" - If the ELSA PCI graphics board is not recognized, try another PCI slot. Some mainboards have PCI slots which are not PCI compliant. -------------------------------------------------------------------