        | README file for GLoria II
        | ELSA graphics driver for Windows NT 4.0 build 1381
        | Version:
        |      GLoria II
        | Copyright (c) 2000 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany)
        | ELSA AG                  Internet   : http://www.elsa.de
        | Sonnenweg 11             
        | 52070 Aachen
        | Germany
        | ELSA Inc.                Internet   : http://www.elsa.com
        | 1630 Zanker Road
        | San Jose, CA 95112
        | USA
        | ELSA Asia Inc.           Internet   : http://www.elsa.com
        | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5
        | Nanking East Road
        | Taipei 105
        | Taiwan, R. O. C.
        | ELSA Japan Inc.          Internet   : http://www.elsa.com
        | Mita Suzuki Building 3F
        | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku
        | Tokyo 108-0014
        | Japan
        | 2000-08-30, FRauser

        Table of Contents:

        1.  Introduction
        2.  Installation
        3.  Additional Configuration Options
        4.  Known Problems


1       Introduction

        This file explains how to setup and to configure the ELSA
        Windows NT driver software for your ELSA graphics board.

1.1     Requirements

        This driver software runs on an ELSA GLoria II only.

1.2     Further Information

        For more information on configuring installed ELSA graphics
        drivers, refer to the Windows Help or to the help files for 
        the ELSA Utilities.


2       Installation

        NOTE: This driver was designed for full functionality
              under Windows NT 4.0 only!

        There are several ways to install the ELSA graphics driver:
        - Automatic installation by ELSA Setup Utility  (2.1)
        - Via the Windows dialog "Display Properties"   (2.2)

        NOTE: We recomend using the automatic installation!

        NOTE: First install the Standard-VGA driver, then shut down
              your computer and exchange the graphics board with
              the GLoria II.

2.1     Automatic installation with the ELSA Setup Utility

        First of all, start Windows NT. To run SETUP.EXE then, you
        can either double click on the filename in the Microsoft
        Explorer or choose "Run..." in the "Start" menu. Then you
        have to enter the complete path to the file "SETUP.EXE".
        Confirm with "OK".
        NOTE: Please close all programs before running Setup - 
              especially other ELSA utilities.

        NOTE: Detailed information for the ELSA Setup Utility can
              be found in the Setup_en.txt file.

2.1.1   Installation on an Intel(R) Pentium III system

        While installing the ELSA driver the program
        CheckPentiumIIISupport may ask you to update your
        Windows NT 4.0 installation. In this case you are using an
        Intel(R) Pentium III processor, but the Intel(R) Streaming
        SIMD extension driver for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 service
        pack 4 is NOT installed. This additional driver is
        required for ELSA SIMDream(TM). You'll find this necessary
        Intel driver either on the WINNERware-CD in the directory: 
        or on the GLoria II Driver CD in the directory:

        Service Pack 5 already contains this driver.

2.2     Manual Installation via Display Properties

        In the Taskbar/Start/Settings, click on "Control Panel" and
        then select "Display Properties". Alternatively, you can
        right-click the desktop and in the appearing popup menu,
        select "Properties". Select "Settings" and then "Display
        Type". In the upcoming window you can use the "Change"
        button to select your ELSA graphics board. You will get the
        "Change Display" dialog box with a variety of available

        On the lower right-hand of the dialog box select the button
        "Other...". The dialog "Install from disk" appears with an
        indication of path or floppy drive ("A:\"). Change the
        entry to the path where the driver files for your board are
        located (e.g."\GLoriaII\WINNT40") and confirm with
        "Continue". Now a list of ELSA graphics drivers is
        displayed. Select the driver for your board. Confirm the
        dialog. The driver is installed after confirming the
        warning that a third-party driver will be installed.

        NOTE: Under Windows NT 4.0, graphics drivers cannot be
              loaded dynamically. This is a limitation of the
              operating system.

        To activate the ELSA driver the computer has to be
        restarted. Please press "Yes" in the upcoming dialog.
        The system will reboot and the initial installation is

        The initial installation of ELSA drivers for Microsoft
        Windows NT 4.0 installs the driver at a resolution of
        640*480 pixel at 60Hz refresh.

        NOTE: With the installation of the Windows NT 4.0 driver,
              the ELSA OpenGL driver is automatically installed.

2.3     Determining the Driver Version Number

2.3.1   Determining the Driver Version Number via Display Properties

        From the Start menu, select "Settings" and in the Control
        Panel launch "Display". Select the tab "Settings" and then
        the button "Change configuration...". The following dialog
        gives information about the manufacturer, the version
        number and the current driver files.

        NOTE: If you see "Version Information missing ", you did
              not set US English as the system language. This
              problem will appear in all non-American NT
              installations. This is a limitation of the
              operating system.

2.3.2   Determining the Driver Version Number via the Driver Files

        Use the Explorer to inspect the file properties for one of
        the files EGLIIM.SYS or EGLIID.DLL. The file EGLIIM.SYS
        can be found in the directory System32\Drivers, the *.DLL
        file in the System32 directory of your Windows NT


3       Additional Configuration Options

3.1     Additional Tools

3.1.1   ELSA WinmanSuite

        ELSA WinmanSuite is a tool which integrates in the taskbar
        of your Operating system. Clicking the mouse on the tray
        icon, you will get quick access to all installed ELSA

3.1.2   ELSA Hotkeys

        Using the ELSA Hotkeys, you will now be able to define
        shortcuts for certain actions. You can use this tool to
        start frequently used programs, or to change the
        arrangement of windows on your desktop. You will find this
        tool as a tab in the display properties or as a menu item
        in the WinmanSuite.
        You will get a detailed description of the whole
        functionality by clicking on the tool�s help button.

3.1.3   ELSA Application Settings

        The ELSA Application Settings allow you to configure the 3D
        options of your ELSA GLoria graphics board. You will find
        this tool as a tab in the display properties or as a menu
        item in the WinmanSuite.
        You also will find a detailed description by clicking the
        Help key.

3.1.4   ELSA Info

        ELSA Info offers a quick view of all relevant information
        about your hard- and software configuration. First of all,
        this is a diagnostic tool, which should help you in solving
        configuration problems of your graphics system.
        You can redirect all shown information to file or printer.
        The generated output will be helpful in getting quick
        and efficient support from ELSA.

3.1.5   ELSA Settings

        The ELSA Settings (Winman) are a sort of "Control Center"
        for the display driver. Here you can change the basic
        display functionality, as there are resolution, colordepth,
        You are also able to configure your monitor. A detailed
        description of all possible settings is available by
        clicking the mouse on the question mark in the upper right
        corner of the window, and then on the area you need help
        for. Now you will get a message box with a short help. By
        clicking "OK", you get a detailed help.

3.1.6   ELSA ColorControl

        The ELSA ColorControl tool allows you to correct the color
        reproduction of your monitor. You will find this tool as a
        tab in the display properties or as a menu item in the
        WinmanSuite. You also will find a detailed description by
        clicking the Help key.

3.2     Stereo function

        This driver provides Stereo functionality in combination
        with stereo shutterglasses and a stereo-capable application.
        To activate the stereo function select a stereo profile in 
        the ELSA Application settings tab. You may also mark the 
        stereo checkbox in ELSA Application Settings under "Advanced".
        You will find detailed help about creating new Application
        Settings profiles in the Application Settings helpfile.


4       Known Problems

        - On Pentium III systems your Windows NT 4.0 has to be 
          updated to support the Pentium III enhancements.
          Please run the utility CheckPentiumIIISupport.exe 
          (shipped with this driver) to check if your system is 
          properly configured.
	  Service Pack 5 already contains this driver.

        - On multiprocessor systems it may be necessary to install
          Windows NT Service Pack 4 or 5 to get the driver started.
        - When updating the driver as Domain Administrator from 
          version or earlier please use setup.exe to
          install the driver. Installation by inf-file may fail.